BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US Review

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You can buy BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US. Also read our BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US reviews before you decide to buy BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US Reviews

Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Customer Rating:
Rating: 2.3
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BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US

BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US Overview:

  • leather
  • Rubber sole
  • Shaft measures approximately Ankle" from arch
  • This shoes / sandals / boots style name or model number is Mark
  • Leather Upper and Rubber Outsole

BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US Reviews, On Sale BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US, buy BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US, BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US best buy, BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US Discount, BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US For Sale

BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US

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BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot,Black,9 M US Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
3 Reviews
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1 star:

5.0 out of 5 stars Bearpaw Mark Boot, February 19, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot (Apparel)
Great product, have really enjoyed it. Only downside is if you don't tie tight, your foot/sock will rub on interior fur and take some of it off more quickly. Besides this, I would purchase this product again
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0 of 1 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Bearpaw boot, February 16, 2012
This review is from: BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot (Apparel)
Love this boot and was going to buy it for my nephew until I read the review. We must stop importing everything from china. I want made in the USA!!
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3 of 10 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Wanted it but......, January 16, 2012
Scott Robinson (VANCOUVER, WA, US) - See all my reviews
This review is from: BEARPAW Men's Mark Boot (Apparel)
I was very interested in buying this boot until I learned that it is made in and imported from China. That alone changed my mind.
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