BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M Review

Buy BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M at Best Price

You can buy BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M. Also read our BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M reviews before you decide to buy BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M Reviews

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Rating: 3.8
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BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M

BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M Overview:

  • Shearling lined

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BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M

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BEARPAW Men's Darwin Shearling Slipper,Black,10 M Reviews
Customer Reviews
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Way To Stiff, January 7, 2010
S. McDonald (Pugest Sound, WA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
I am a big guy and wear a size 12. I also have a pair of Tamarac slippers and I love those. I was told these were on sale for $19.95 so I thought I would try them since this is similar to the style of slipper I like and mine are worn out. I go through one pair a year. When they arrived I was very impressed with the plushness and they seemed well built. It only took me trying them on and trying to walk in them to realize they are just way to stiff in the sole. While a thick sole would seem nice this sole material has no give to it at all. Matter of fact the slipper would just fly off as I tried to walk. They have no bend in them at all. Maybe, just maybe after an extended period of wearing they might "break-in", but I would rather go back to the 'out of the box' comfy Tamarac slippers for the same money. I had to send them back I was not about to try to break them in to find they don't break-in and be stuck with them and not able to wear them. I just think the sole is too... Read more
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars everything I was looking for!, February 12, 2010
gc37 (San Francisco, CA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
I wanted to get my husband a comfortable yet masculine looking slipper, and this fit the bill perfectly! The color is very rich, and I like that the fur inside is also a dark color, which helps keep the attractive look longer. Keep in mind that the Bearpaw slippers have a hard bottom (lightweight though), not flexible, so it's more like an indoor shoe. My husband loves them!
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars great slippers!, January 30, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
I bought these slippers for my son and he loves them! They are soft and cushy and have a great sole so he could even walk outside if he wanted. I like the way they protect the side of the foot all the way to the heal, without covering the heal, so they are hand's free comfort. Great purchase.
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