BEARPAW Men's Mckinley II Pull-on Boot,Black,12 M US Review

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BEARPAW Men's Mckinley II Pull-on Boot,Black,12 M US Reviews

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Customer Rating:
Rating: 5.0
Price : Check Special Offer Today (Limited Time Offer)

BEARPAW Men's Mckinley II Pull-on Boot,Black,12 M US

BEARPAW Men's Mckinley II Pull-on Boot,Black,12 M US Overview:

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    BEARPAW Men's Mckinley II Pull-on Boot,Black,12 M US

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    BEARPAW Men's Mckinley II Pull-on Boot,Black,12 M US Reviews
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    5.0 out of 5 stars Best boot I've ever owned, March 22, 2012
    I've always been an avid fan of engineer style boots but have never found one that fit so well as these. Fur/sheepskin lined. Not a steel toe but that is not a big deal to me. Very warm, great traction and modern design! Highly recommend this boot!!!
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