FitFlop Women's Walkstar 3 Sandal,Bronze,7 M US Review

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FitFlop Women's Walkstar 3 Sandal,Bronze,7 M US Reviews

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Rating: 4.4
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FitFlop Women's Walkstar 3 Sandal,Bronze,7 M US

FitFlop Women's Walkstar 3 Sandal,Bronze,7 M US Overview:

  • Designed to tone muscles

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FitFlop Women's Walkstar 3 Sandal,Bronze,7 M US

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FitFlop Women's Walkstar 3 Sandal,Bronze,7 M US Reviews
Customer Reviews
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32 of 32 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars Not Your Average Shower Shoe!, June 29, 2009
If you like the ease of rubber flip flops but are smart enough to realize that flip flops offer your feet absolutely no protection or support....then these are the rubber thongs for you!

Fit Flops exploded on the scene several years ago with a marketing campaign that promised an exercized leg and a fabulously improved derriere by merely wearing a pair! Yeah, right! LOL! Dream on, Missy!

Ok, now that's out of the way, lets give credit where credit is due by saying that these are extremely comfortable and supportive and not bad looking either.

There are multiple models of Fit Flops. The Walkstar 111 model, which is relatively recent, employs a single piece of well padded leather that extends from the thong between the toes, up over the top of the foot, and is attached to both sides of the footbed. The leather top is more "rigid" than the grosgrain fabric bands of earlier models and seems to provide more support by preventing the foot from slipping as... Read more
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22 of 22 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars Runs REAL Big, March 22, 2009
Matilda "de Nada" (Land of Enchantment) - See all my reviews
This is a very comfy flip-flop, and it doesn't flop as much as some other "flops" that I have had. It definitely runs large. I often wear a size 8, but there is at least one inch sole extending past the end of my toes in this size 8! The thong does tend to irritate the toes just a smidge. I question whether there will be any noticeable benefit in firming and toning the lower body from wearing this particular shoe; however, it is cute and has a nice cushioned sole. The picture shown for the oyster color leads one to believe that it is a light tan or beige. It is not. It is definitely "white."
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16 of 16 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Love the FITFLOPS!, May 15, 2009
Carol B. Anderson (Los Angeles) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: FitFlop Women's Walkstar 3 Sandal (Apparel)
Well, these have to be the most comfortable sandals I've ever had in my life. I now have 6 pair and want more. I live in them they are so comfy and stylish. The bronze is exceptional although I have to say I like them all. They seem to be helping my leg muscles and gluteus maximus as well. So you can't go wrong. Just make sure to buy a half size down.
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